My Work

Big Data

  • During my time at THINK Insurance I was responsible for the creation and maintenance of over 100 automated reports
  • Reports I have made range from basic sales reports, reports needed for government and 3rd party audits and finally reports used by the dev team to improve the Internal Business Portal and Public Facing Website
  • I have Created a tool that allows the creation of reports spanning over 120 database tables allowing staff members to select what information they need from a multiselect and alter over 50 settings to create and schedule reports
  • Investigated discrepancies between internal reports and 3rd party reports/invoices preventing any potential confusion, overcharging and a potential bad customer experience of falling through the cracks

Blockchain / Web 3.0

NFT Collection

  • Acting as a lead developer introduced members of the development team to creating websites that interact with the blockchain(Ethereum Classic)
  • Created the source code for a ERC-721 contract for an NFT using the remix IDE
  • Modified a open source NFT creator to update a database so the public facing website can search for token traits such as hair colour on NFT.

NETC Marketplace

  • Acting as a Co Founder and the go to blockchain developer for a cancelled NFT store.
  • Built and maintained a physical server in my bedroom that ran 24/7 for other developers to test the website
  • Research into how the public facing website will access the blockchain and modify it
  • Created high lever wrapper functions and mechanism that allows other developers to easily work with the blockchain in a consistent way. Each smart contract is in effect is own program made by a 3rd party and may not be the same to interact with for the same function. So for example to get all tokens a user owns could require 1 or two function calls to the blockchain, each contract having different names and parameters for each call.
  • Created a database and mechanism the site can use to interact with every NFT collection side by side in the same way, and without the involvement of the only blockchain developer on the project.

White label & Ecommerce

  • Created the functionality for multiple e-commerce websites as a freelance developer. These systems facilitated the full customer journey of learning about the business, news, browsing products, shopping carts, payments and a stock and order system for the staff to use(so no out of stock products could be sold)
  • Implemented formulas for pricing and discounts of buying products in bulk (for business to business)

White label & Ecommerce

  • Created pricing a decline logic for policies sold at THINK Insurance(internally know as Ratings) based on excel spreadsheets provided by insurance companies
  • Helped build complicated insurance forms for Young driver and Motor Trade insurance
  • Was part of the internal team that created software for mid term adjustments such as when customers add a new driver to a policy or change their car(working out the new price, comparisons of before and after changes, sales scripts and documents given to the customer)
View My Legacy Projects